Cardinal Classic 2021 vs Cardinal Classic 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +254 993 739
Overall Average +5.50 23:51.67 23:46.18
1st-10th Place -6.93 16:54.08 17:01.01
1st-25th Place -15.71 17:14.01 17:29.72
1st-50th Place -23.31 17:36.04 17:59.35
1st-100th Place -31.83 18:06.90 18:38.73
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster 31 47 16
Ran Season Best 3 4 1
Average Time -1:23.42 22:58.35 24:21.76
Median Time -38.79 22:55.05 23:33.84
Middle 80% Times -1:29.65 22:41.94 24:11.59
Top 10% Times -1:51.53 17:16.30 19:07.83
Top 25% Times -2:09.37 17:51.83 20:01.20
Top 50% Times -1:43.29 19:40.90 21:24.19
Bottom 50% Times -1:00.94 25:32.73 26:33.66
Bottom 25% Times -38.78 28:51.53 29:30.30
Bottom 10% Times -15.98 32:15.80 32:31.78
Average Difference -1:23.42 -- --
Median Difference +35.51 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:38.58 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:44.76 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:30.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:37.96 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:30.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:12.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:00.27 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -14.04 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Seth Bingham Thunder Ridge High School -2:09.95 16:54.05 19:04.00
Garrett Hale Preston High School -1:22.52 17:04.63 18:27.15
Eli Gregory Blackfoot High School -2:06.16 17:10.29 19:16.45
Ryan Stutz Madison High School -1:20.44 17:11.84 18:32.28
Carter Collett Centennial High School -2:10.74 17:26.79 19:37.53
Ridge Wilding Skyline High School -2:11.84 17:32.74 19:44.58
Cooper Andrews Thunder Ridge High School -5:13.77 17:33.77 22:47.54
Carter Attebury Thunder Ridge High School -2:08.00 17:42.36 19:50.36
Taylor Wehausen Idaho Falls High School -6:14.81 17:44.17 23:58.98
Hinckley Manner Madison High School -2:19.51 17:49.94 20:09.45
Jaden Schultz Centennial High School -51.69 18:21.15 19:12.84
John Hunting Star Valley High School -4:24.76 18:22.59 22:47.35
Myles Guerrero Century High School -2:31.94 18:29.29 21:01.23
Eli Davidson Century High School -1:55.42 18:30.33 20:25.75
Kaden Wiley Evanston High School -2:39.22 18:49.53 21:28.75
Kurtis Richins Evanston High School -2:46.07 19:05.76 21:51.83
Noah Conrad Evanston High School -2:38.80 19:37.37 22:16.17
Stephen Schwab Star Valley High School -5:14.49 20:01.62 25:16.11
Logan Frey Thunder Ridge High School -2:48.11 20:13.31 23:01.42
Jessica Moss Thunder Ridge High School +45.34 21:07.72 20:22.38
Jacob Ward Rockland High School -2:44.24 20:28.93 23:13.17
Carl Ripplinger Teton High School +3:49.95 24:27.37 20:37.42
Ben Adams Teton High School -4:03.76 20:38.16 24:41.92
Grant Dennert Skyline High School -5:06.04 21:09.38 26:15.42
Elli Kelsey Bear Lake High School +2:38.83 23:49.56 21:10.73
Elise Kelsey Bear Lake High School +1:52.22 23:10.51 21:18.29
Carter Turner Bear Lake High School -32.83 21:22.19 21:55.02
Hannah Kohler Idaho Falls High School -39.46 21:38.15 22:17.61
Brynlee Simmons Soda Springs High School +13.66 22:05.62 21:51.96
Kamber Smith Rockland High School -1:35.00 22:12.31 23:47.31
Emily Walker Centennial High School -1:09.31 22:19.88 23:29.19
Keaden Saunders Hillcrest High School -56.23 22:29.96 23:26.19
Katy Saxton Evanston High School +43.69 23:28.07 22:44.38
Sara Bagley Teton High School +4.62 22:51.97 22:47.35
Clara Thomas Madison High School -4:26.27 22:47.90 27:14.17
Macie Mortensen Madison High School -2:47.63 22:55.05 25:42.68
James Heywood Star Valley High School -4:56.73 22:57.07 27:53.80
Maddie Coleman Centennial High School +6.46 23:09.30 23:02.84
Emmalee Hale Star Valley High School -1:27.55 23:13.25 24:40.80
Reagan Van Orden Snake River High School -1:54.87 23:19.34 25:14.21
Emily Dustin Madison High School -1:20.82 23:24.32 24:45.14
Jennie Hinkson Idaho Falls High School +35.51 24:04.42 23:28.91
Rachel Holmquist Bear Lake High School -2:21.01 23:30.46 25:51.47
Colton Hobbs Grace High School -4:29.84 23:30.61 28:00.45
Kira Andersen Shelley High School +10:40.43 34:14.27 23:33.84
Hattie Mattson Bear Lake High School -1:36.77 24:17.19 25:53.96
Sara Mcken Star Valley High School -5:57.84 24:33.09 30:30.93
Piper Phillips Blackfoot High School +27.31 25:03.59 24:36.28
Hanna Hansen Madison High School -1:44.48 24:48.29 26:32.77
Caleb Schelske Century High School -15.08 25:30.67 25:45.75
Gentry Hendriks Star Valley High School -1:31.71 25:32.72 27:04.43
Erin Walsh Skyline High School +2:38.62 28:18.82 25:40.20
Kylie Hunter Idaho Falls High School +16.96 26:08.83 25:51.87
Stockton Hansen Bear Lake High School +17.87 26:23.53 26:05.66
Eliza Wilson Teton High School -27.27 26:10.82 26:38.09
Onnika Olsen Star Valley High School -4:06.33 26:22.71 30:29.04
Sam Morrissey Century High School -1:20.76 26:28.53 27:49.29
Hailey Messenger Bear Lake High School +2:03.62 28:57.58 26:53.96
Emma Jackson Blackfoot High School -1:55.65 28:12.41 30:08.06
Allie Bonn Century High School -3:21.28 28:48.67 32:09.95
Jace Nelson Blackfoot High School -4:44.32 31:05.03 35:49.35
Liza Marcum Teton High School +6:25.69 37:55.11 31:29.42
Lillie Devree Rock Springs High School -34.61 36:31.12 37:05.73