Timberlake Farragut Invitational 2024

Athol, ID

Timberlake Farragut Invitational 2024 vs Timberlake Farragut Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +659 867 208
Overall Average +1:58.28 23:02.63 21:04.35
1st-10th Place -54.53 15:56.34 16:50.86
1st-25th Place -51.55 16:24.31 17:15.86
1st-50th Place -52.98 16:50.12 17:43.10
1st-100th Place -1:12.80 17:24.81 18:37.62
Common Athletes -- -- 16
Ran Faster 4 10 6
Ran Season Best 11 12 1
Average Time -24.97 20:22.96 20:47.93
Median Time -40.01 20:01.29 20:41.30
Middle 80% Times -25.32 20:33.73 20:59.05
Top 10% Times -1:32.08 15:42.88 17:14.95
Top 25% Times -1:31.83 16:17.32 17:49.15
Top 50% Times -1:02.68 17:45.92 18:48.60
Bottom 50% Times +12.75 22:60.00 22:47.25
Bottom 25% Times +1:30.70 25:38.07 24:07.38
Bottom 10% Times +2:06.02 27:06.66 25:00.65
Average Difference -24.97 -- --
Median Difference -3:52.53 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -25.32 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:32.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference -35.48 -- --
Top 25% Difference -58.89 -- --
Top 50% Difference -35.48 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -14.45 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:43.30 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:04.37 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Max Cervi-Skinner Coeur d'Alene High School -1:24.02 15:12.68 16:36.70
Logan Andersen Lake City High School -1:40.13 16:13.07 17:53.20
Brayden Lamanna Priest River Lamanna High School -3:52.53 16:48.77 20:41.30
Kyle Rohlinger Coeur d'Alene High School -1:17.95 16:54.75 18:12.70
Bear Lopez Logos Christian School -1:06.22 18:33.08 19:39.30
Isaac Hewa Mount Spokane High School +26.53 19:00.53 18:34.00
Job Hill Valley Christian School +33.29 20:01.29 19:28.00
Ainsley Bowen Mount Spokane High School -3:44.89 19:40.81 23:25.70
Hazel Kunkel Lake City High School -9.12 19:43.68 19:52.80
Kaylynn Miser Post Falls High School -6.23 20:05.87 20:12.10
Kade Mariner Valley Christian School -1:05.03 20:38.17 21:43.20
Jonathan Drick Valley Christian School -6.34 20:42.36 20:48.70
Katelyn Bates Deer Park High School +4:14.89 26:50.19 22:35.30
Aubrey Jenson Timberlake High School +38.33 23:40.83 23:02.50
Alexxis Johnson Lake City High School +6.13 24:38.13 24:32.00
Ana Christi Mickel Mount Spokane High School +1:53.84 27:23.14 25:29.30