Rexburg Classic 2024 vs Rexburg Classic 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -105 188 293
Overall Average +1:14.94 24:48.40 23:33.46
1st-10th Place +55.58 18:07.94 17:12.36
1st-25th Place +53.29 18:51.58 17:58.29
1st-50th Place +1:04.85 19:46.92 18:42.08
1st-100th Place +1:39.22 21:13.40 19:34.18
Common Athletes -- -- 70
Ran Faster -8 31 39
Ran Season Best -18 7 25
Average Time +10.48 23:37.33 23:26.86
Median Time -27.30 22:23.20 22:50.50
Middle 80% Times +1.28 22:58.73 22:57.45
Top 10% Times -8.01 17:56.13 18:04.14
Top 25% Times -6.83 18:56.10 19:02.93
Top 50% Times -10.27 20:04.90 20:15.17
Bottom 50% Times +31.22 27:09.76 26:38.54
Bottom 25% Times +1:08.58 30:12.96 29:04.38
Bottom 10% Times +1:42.54 34:27.37 32:44.83
Average Difference +10.48 -- --
Median Difference -1:32.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2.78 -- --
Top 10% Difference -0.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference -11.30 -- --
Top 25% Difference -0.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -11.30 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +32.25 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +52.86 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:07.81 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Thomas Petersen Pocatello High School -3.60 16:51.00 16:54.60
Aiden Evans Pocatello High School +4.70 17:40.10 17:35.40
Tanner Countryman Pocatello High School -30.70 17:45.80 18:16.50
Bridger Jackson Pocatello High School +20.80 18:10.60 17:49.80
Bran Rollins Pocatello High School -47.30 17:56.80 18:44.10
Colter Erickson Pocatello High School +29.10 18:38.80 18:09.70
Kolby Bigler Pocatello High School -53.60 18:32.10 19:25.70
Alessandro Rodriguez Alturas Prep Academy -43.70 18:36.50 19:20.20
Kaden Bunderson Pocatello High School -1:11.60 18:44.90 19:56.50
Parker Schaugaard Pocatello High School +21.10 19:20.00 18:58.90
Case Brown Pocatello High School -2:49.70 18:58.90 21:48.60
Hunter Rix Idaho Falls High School +1:26.40 20:28.30 19:01.90
Jack Boyter Bonneville High School -36.90 19:02.00 19:38.90
Zuri Paredes Bonneville High School +48.10 19:53.30 19:05.20
Jason Mortimer Highland High School (Pocatello) +5.00 19:39.00 19:34.00
Timothy Anderson Highland High School (Pocatello) +2:25.00 22:23.20 19:58.20
Marek Vanderschaaf Pocatello High School +6:22.00 26:28.10 20:06.10
Isaac Parsons Idaho Falls High School +47.90 20:55.30 20:07.40
Cristopher Shibahara Idaho Falls High School -16.20 20:07.50 20:23.70
Vaughn Lind Shelley High School +27.10 20:36.70 20:09.60
Ben Hansen Madison High School -2:01.40 20:13.90 22:15.30
Will Frandsen Idaho Falls High School +5.40 20:19.70 20:14.30
Damon Wells Bonneville High School -2:36.10 20:18.90 22:55.00
Carter Meredith Highland High School (Pocatello) +1:09.30 21:30.60 20:21.30
Peyton Porter Bonneville High School -37.40 20:29.40 21:06.80
Wyatt Davis Pocatello High School -1:50.50 20:32.90 22:23.40
Benson Fitch Alturas Prep Academy +35.70 21:22.70 20:47.00
Mason Murdock Idaho Falls High School -6.00 20:49.50 20:55.50
Gabriel Samuelson Pocatello High School -2:39.90 20:57.60 23:37.50
Landon Phelps Shelley High School +43.40 21:45.40 21:02.00
Nuala Rollins Pocatello High School +36.10 21:39.20 21:03.10
Evan Teeples Bonneville High School -1:37.40 21:31.70 23:09.10
Beckham Brown Bonneville High School -33.60 21:32.30 22:05.90
Nathan Hodson Shelley High School -1:32.70 21:39.20 23:11.90
Ryker Babcock West Jefferson High School +47.50 22:40.60 21:53.10
Jayden Holmes Pocatello High School -4:03.90 21:54.70 25:58.60
Spencer Kunz Bonneville High School +4.10 22:01.40 21:57.30
Christian Willis Rigby High School -23.30 22:14.80 22:38.10
Jackson Hagrman Idaho Falls High School -13.10 22:23.40 22:36.50
Isabelle Ferrin Pocatello High School +2:00.70 24:27.10 22:26.40
Ivan Schempp Shelley High School -4:19.50 22:40.90 27:00.40
Eli Johnson Madison High School +1:07.70 23:58.20 22:50.50
Parker Luke Rigby High School -3:57.50 22:55.20 26:52.70
Andrew Truscott Bonneville High School -2:16.30 23:02.80 25:19.10
Bridger Bagley Madison High School +51.30 23:58.50 23:07.20
Alexander Bays Idaho Falls High School -58.00 23:25.70 24:23.70
Jason Powell Highland High School (Pocatello) +9.10 23:36.80 23:27.70
Matt Leishman Highland High School (Pocatello) +59.70 24:48.70 23:49.00
Savannah Yates Rigby High School +3:24.50 27:44.50 24:20.00
Emily Steadman Highland High School (Pocatello) +1:55.80 26:15.80 24:20.00
Autumn Bulla Highland High School (Pocatello) +59.70 25:27.40 24:27.70
Morgan Stone Rigby High School +1:33.40 26:09.30 24:35.90
Andrea Browning Rigby High School -1:25.00 24:50.30 26:15.30
Sidney Bulla Highland High School (Pocatello) +24.30 25:20.20 24:55.90
Ethan Schwieder West Jefferson High School +2:12.20 27:20.10 25:07.90
Will Kosmicki Highland High School (Pocatello) -30.70 25:20.70 25:51.40
Jaiden Wilcox West Jefferson High School -1:05.00 25:28.70 26:33.70
Olivia Nielsen Pocatello High School +1:02.40 26:34.30 25:31.90
Heidi Hall Rigby High School -1:39.50 25:45.30 27:24.80
Alyssa Johnston Idaho Falls High School +2:17.10 28:34.10 26:17.00
Amanda Rollins Idaho Falls High School +1:36.70 28:39.50 27:02.80
Sonnet Scott West Jefferson High School +4:23.60 31:43.30 27:19.70
Bentlee Vadnais West Jefferson High School +4:58.40 32:27.10 27:28.70
Zora Dickinson Idaho Falls High School +14.70 28:41.50 28:26.80
Emily Trammell Pocatello High School +1:10.70 30:29.20 29:18.50
Jenni Judy Shelley High School +3:54.50 33:54.90 30:00.40
Nicole Pincock Highland High School (Pocatello) +2:10.00 33:40.80 31:30.80
Brooklyn Powell Madison High School +2:37.30 34:32.90 31:55.60
Oaklynn Young West Jefferson High School -28.40 33:47.20 34:15.60
Paisley Summers West Jefferson High School -2:40.70 41:05.40 43:46.10