Bob Conley Invitational 2016

Pocatello, ID

Bob Conley Invitational 2016 vs Bob Conley Invitational 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1078 1314 236
Overall Average -49.32 21:51.99 22:41.31
1st-10th Place -1:04.22 15:45.87 16:50.09
1st-25th Place -1:08.53 16:16.31 17:24.84
1st-50th Place -1:31.93 16:38.63 18:10.56
1st-100th Place -2:15.61 17:03.50 19:19.12
Common Athletes -- -- 136
Ran Faster 92 114 22
Ran Season Best 58 95 37
Average Time -1:08.09 21:39.21 22:47.30
Median Time -1:00.70 21:21.30 22:22.00
Middle 80% Times -1:14.21 21:23.89 22:38.09
Top 10% Times -44.99 16:35.80 17:20.79
Top 25% Times -50.17 17:31.26 18:21.43
Top 50% Times -57.82 18:44.93 19:42.75
Bottom 50% Times -1:18.36 24:33.49 25:51.85
Bottom 25% Times -1:11.75 26:52.22 28:03.96
Bottom 10% Times -44.90 29:04.86 29:49.76
Average Difference -1:08.09 -- --
Median Difference -1:18.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:09.91 -- --
Top 10% Difference -34.54 -- --
Top 50% Difference -51.85 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -51.85 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:24.34 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:40.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:25.45 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Coen Haroldsen Bonneville High School -1:00.60 15:31.70 16:32.30
Ryan Barna Skyline High School -1:04.60 15:42.30 16:46.90
Harrison Roberts Skyline High School -1:21.40 15:48.00 17:09.40
Nick Barna Skyline High School -1:05.30 15:57.00 17:02.30
Jackson Pratt Bear Lake High School -55.40 16:11.30 17:06.70
Dallin Hart Skyline High School -1:33.20 16:15.50 17:48.70
Malachi Armstrong Pocatello High School -9.60 16:32.10 16:41.70
Braidon Stokes Snake River High School -1:42.60 16:46.10 18:28.70
Mckay Harms Skyline High School +0.50 16:47.90 16:47.40
Brenden Kilgore Highland High School (Pocatello) -24.20 17:07.20 17:31.40
Jerico Frailey Marsh Valley High School -2:10.70 17:09.90 19:20.60
Ben Janus Teton High School +49.70 18:10.30 17:20.60
Parker Johnson Highland High School (Pocatello) -35.10 17:27.00 18:02.10
Wade Withers Snake River High School -1:25.10 17:32.10 18:57.20
Grant Johnson Highland High School (Pocatello) -30.60 17:33.10 18:03.70
Alex Blad Bonneville High School -39.40 17:40.30 18:19.70
Eric Johnson Skyline High School -1:04.40 17:43.80 18:48.20
Jared Meldrum Skyline High School -15.50 17:44.80 18:00.30
Thomas Clark Skyline High School -1:15.40 17:50.60 19:06.00
Parker Nielsen Pocatello High School -15:50.20 17:54.20 33:44.40
Tyler Northrup Highland High School (Pocatello) +1.80 17:59.30 17:57.50
Jt Thomson Skyline High School -27.30 17:58.90 18:26.20
Adam Christensen Skyline High School -1:34.70 17:59.50 19:34.20
Tate Rhodes Skyline High School -1:17.60 18:00.70 19:18.30
Mason Cannon Bonneville High School -46.30 18:04.20 18:50.50
Payton Allen Skyline High School -1:11.20 18:15.30 19:26.50
Spencer Crane Bear Lake High School -30.60 18:16.30 18:46.90
Owen Russell Teton High School -1:07.70 18:20.30 19:28.00
Matt Miller Bonneville High School -2:06.50 18:26.10 20:32.60
Derrek Lindstrom Pocatello High School -1:05.50 18:26.60 19:32.10
Andrew Blischke Teton High School -1:02.10 18:29.50 19:31.60
Caleb Hone Snake River High School +4:13.00 22:47.70 18:34.70
Nate Christensen Marsh Valley High School -17.90 18:37.40 18:55.30
Corey Stock Bear Lake High School -2:12.00 18:40.50 20:52.50
Brandon Nielsen Marsh Valley High School -38.80 18:43.20 19:22.00
Lattimer High Snake River High School -2:12.50 18:44.70 20:57.20
Jakob Hawkins Bonneville High School -26.30 18:46.80 19:13.10
Hunter Helm Highland High School (Pocatello) -47.20 18:48.70 19:35.90
Geoffrey Dye Highland High School (Pocatello) -2:52.50 18:48.90 21:41.40
Davin Lewis Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:25.90 18:52.60 20:18.50
Hayden Hunt Bear Lake High School -1:44.30 18:53.20 20:37.50
Breanne Herrmann Skyline High School -1:57.10 18:59.60 20:56.70
Hunter Anderson Grace High School -1:09.80 19:00.10 20:09.90
Anna Sanford Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:14.40 19:13.80 20:28.20
Gavin Braiden Skyline High School +30.00 19:53.50 19:23.50
Hunter Foresberg Bear Lake High School +1:10.90 20:39.50 19:28.60
Buxton Dawson Snake River High School -30.50 19:38.00 20:08.50
Jill Parry Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:15.40 19:42.80 20:58.20
Joshua Halverson Pocatello High School -1:23.60 19:47.30 21:10.90
Bridger Clark Teton High School -1:45.30 19:47.40 21:32.70
Matthew Stutzman Skyline High School -3:04.60 19:49.60 22:54.20
Tyler Bassett Bear Lake High School -1.20 19:50.50 19:51.70
Ben Schwope Pocatello High School -16.80 19:50.80 20:07.60
Quinn Cassidy Skyline High School -56.30 19:57.90 20:54.20
Alex Knight Teton High School -57.60 19:57.90 20:55.50
Brody Fink Pocatello High School -20.30 19:58.00 20:18.30
Aj Anderson Grace High School -1:10.50 19:58.30 21:08.80
Jake Wilson Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:46.70 20:09.60 21:56.30
Jordan Taysom Pocatello High School -26.10 20:18.10 20:44.20
Bailey Varvel Bonneville High School -36.40 20:20.80 20:57.20
James Farmer Bear Lake High School -3:16.70 20:28.80 23:45.50
Colman Johnson Teton High School -2:50.40 20:41.30 23:31.70
Halli Olson Skyline High School -1.10 21:05.80 21:06.90
Emma Wilson Skyline High School -1:18.50 21:06.00 22:24.50
Megan Reed Skyline High School -2:16.30 21:10.10 23:26.40
Tyson Stucki Marsh Valley High School -55.90 21:11.90 22:07.80
David Bush Skyline High School -2:15.30 21:12.50 23:27.80
Stephen Murdoch Grace High School -3:34.10 21:12.50 24:46.60
Kyle Johnson Bonneville High School -45.80 21:14.80 22:00.60
Jacob Hirschi Bear Lake High School -52.30 21:21.30 22:13.60
Annalise Cheret Skyline High School -53.60 21:22.90 22:16.50
Justin Letham Teton High School -5:07.10 21:23.70 26:30.80
Hannah Marchant Bonneville High School -57.20 21:24.80 22:22.00
Chris Salcido Skyline High School +22.50 21:49.20 21:26.70
Akaela Crowther Preston High School -46.50 21:27.80 22:14.30
Olvia Crane Bear Lake High School -1:33.20 21:28.10 23:01.30
Karl Parsons Pocatello High School -3:13.60 21:37.30 24:50.90
Alexis Fuller Snake River High School -50.00 21:37.90 22:27.90
Mckenzie Hammond Bear Lake High School -2:13.60 21:40.40 23:54.00
Megan Schwarze Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:09.00 21:41.30 22:50.30
Mccoy Gunnell Grace High School -3:18.00 21:41.40 24:59.40
Elizabeth Harrison Skyline High School -4:11.50 21:47.80 25:59.30
Celia Christensen Marsh Valley High School -1:09.30 21:50.50 22:59.80
Ashlyn Chambers Skyline High School -59.40 21:53.20 22:52.60
Ally Whitmer Pocatello High School +23.00 22:23.00 22:00.00
Ashley Henderson Pocatello High School -1:56.30 22:05.80 24:02.10
Chance Scrogum Skyline High School -7.90 22:06.80 22:14.70
Rachel Summers Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:18.70 22:07.40 23:26.10
Ruthie Bagley Teton High School +4.40 22:12.80 22:08.40
Emily Hart Skyline High School -35.50 22:11.40 22:46.90
Megan Brogan Bear Lake High School -1:18.40 22:12.30 23:30.70
Cabrin Lowe Skyline High School -3:50.30 22:34.90 26:25.20
Kylie Stoddard Highland High School (Pocatello) -8.20 22:38.40 22:46.60
Elizabeth Ripplinger Teton High School -38.90 23:00.70 23:39.60
Emily Hammond Bear Lake High School -3:42.60 23:00.80 26:43.40
Rylie Douglass Teton High School -1:30.10 23:04.30 24:34.40
Taryn Paradis Teton High School -27.60 23:06.30 23:33.90
Hailee Bohney Pocatello High School -15.00 23:07.00 23:22.00
Lindsay Muir Pocatello High School -5:15.70 23:09.20 28:24.90
Taya Leavitt Snake River High School +13.20 23:24.30 23:11.10
Hannah Buffat Pocatello High School +37.30 23:50.80 23:13.50
Maren Stirling Highland High School (Pocatello) -3:40.10 23:28.40 27:08.50
Garrett Tanner Highland High School (Pocatello) +18.70 23:48.60 23:29.90
Kathleen Fisher Teton High School -24.30 23:32.90 23:57.20
Holly Whiting Bonneville High School -1:27.30 23:45.90 25:13.20
Kate Mckellar Teton High School -2:50.00 24:02.40 26:52.40
Kassidee Campbell Snake River High School -2.10 24:16.00 24:18.10
Ezri Klepich Bonneville High School -22.60 24:24.00 24:46.60
Alison Bates Teton High School -1:50.50 24:54.70 26:45.20
Dallie Jones Snake River High School +1:09.70 26:05.20 24:55.50
Kelsey Benson Highland High School (Pocatello) -1:34.00 24:57.30 26:31.30
Kate Ozburn Highland High School (Pocatello) +40.50 25:49.30 25:08.80
Katie Tea Pocatello High School -1:45.50 25:22.90 27:08.40
Rachel Bird Bonneville High School -10.40 25:24.90 25:35.30
Gabby Blad Bonneville High School -8.40 25:34.10 25:42.50
Olivia Wilson Teton High School +29.60 26:06.50 25:36.90
Elise Warren Highland High School (Pocatello) -2:33.40 25:53.50 28:26.90
Maddie Wilson Skyline High School +3.00 26:03.80 26:00.80
Lindsey Mickelsen Skyline High School -47.10 26:23.10 27:10.20
Ava Wilkey Pocatello High School -2:25.60 26:25.70 28:51.30
Emma Carlsen Highland High School (Pocatello) -2:12.70 26:36.50 28:49.20
Makayla Letham Teton High School +2:38.90 29:19.40 26:40.50
Alexis Marlette Skyline High School -1:15.00 26:42.10 27:57.10
Jenna Harrison Grace High School -51.60 27:00.30 27:51.90
Amber Nef Skyline High School -1:15.80 27:01.10 28:16.90
Carlie Barnes Highland High School (Pocatello) +52.50 28:09.10 27:16.60
Emma Wells Bonneville High School -39.70 27:51.40 28:31.10
Jazmine Usher Highland High School (Pocatello) -46.90 28:01.30 28:48.20
Alex Penfold Teton High School -31.60 28:08.60 28:40.20
Yasmina O'meara Teton High School -1:49.80 28:30.30 30:20.10
Alexis Greener-bur Skyline High School +1:16.60 30:10.10 28:53.50
Clarissa Ellsworth Skyline High School -39.70 29:01.40 29:41.10
Rylee Raz Teton High School +1:40.70 31:14.10 29:33.40
Jade Moosman Teton High School -1:23.90 30:00.00 31:23.90
Alexandria Libberton Marsh Valley High School +42.00 31:10.70 30:28.70
Amelia Marcum Teton High School +5.60 31:30.30 31:24.70